China - Shanghai Area


2021 - I had a 25 days stay at Shanghai, including a 14 days hotel quarantine. Shanghai had the most relax quarantine restriction compared to other cities in the mainland China, so here I was in Shanghai and spending an extra 11 days purely for touring the city within its boundary.

Enjoying my (18th) birthday with myself at the signature Peace Hotel (和平饭店) at Shanghai Bund.


Enjoying the 52nd floor cafe at Shanghai Tower, the tallest building in China to date. I was fortunate to travel with a junior colleague who've done and shared with me researches on Shanghai travel tactic.

Thanks for my best friend Kelly for treating me at the Bund-18 and Black Diamond restaurant (黑钻餐厅). I know you want the best for me, while 我真的愿祝您找到真正的幸福

Meeting an old friend Charlton while he was fortunately in Shanghai for a conference. Time flies and we are happy that we are all doing well in life.

What's more can I ask for? If I say I don't know how to appreciate life, I'd be lying. I have so much gratitude to my parents, friends and family for who I am today. With LOVE.



Traditional vs. modern

三大神器 - 注射器,开瓶器,打蛋器

Wukang Road (武康路) contains many historical houses at Xuhui District (徐汇区)

Yuyuan (豫园), an old garden at central Huangpu District (黄埔区)

Jingan Historical Villa (静安别墅) at Jingan District (静安区). They were built as workers dormitories, while the business owner was a Jewish entrepreneur.

Rong's resident (荣宅), now leased as a Prada fashion outlet. It was a big boss's resident. Some Jewish elements were installed, marking the Jewish contribution to the historical development of Shanghai.

I tried many different Shanghai delicacies. This crab egg meat noodle is quite unique. (蟹黄面)

Nanjing Impression (南京大排档) offers many unique local delicacies. Quite budget too.

Song's resident (宋庆龄故居) at Xuhui District (徐汇区). Another piece of China's recent history.

I'm addicted to cycling in Shanghai as it's so convenient. Here I'm in front of Jiaotong Uni (交通大学)

Jingan Temple (静安寺).

Enjoying onsen and jjimjilbang on my spare time

I visited this 80 pieces Tangka (唐卡) album depicting the 17th century Tibetan medical diagnoses and treatments, while some have Buddhism elements.

I spent a 14 days quarantine at Shanghai Hotel with an OK view. I yoga'd everyday and read books about climate changes and path to life's last journey, keeping myself healthy and learning. 

Under the quarantine policy, after the 14 days hotel quarantine, we cannot leave Shanghai city for 7 days. So we explored the outer edge of Shanghai at Zhujiajiao (朱家角). The picture above is the tourist area of the water village. 

This picture is the authentic residential area of the water village.

Enjoying rice dumpling as it was around Dragon Boat Festival time.

Here is my colleague, Tanya. Thanks for travelling with me for almost 2 months.


2024 - In 2024 I revisited Shanghai, and with the addition of Hangzhou. This time is a pure leisure trip, mainly to show Royceton more bits of China. Whereas I also scheduled to meet 3 friends including an old friend from America, but with various reasons the meeting turned into wechat calls instead. In any case, I am glad that my friends are all living well.

Here I am chilling at West Lake, embracing the tranquility of nature.

A night walk at the Bund, which was packed with tourists.

I was simply repeating the footstep of my previous Shanghai trip.

The three skyscrapers.

Crab Soup Dumpling at Yuyuan.

Oriental Pearl.

Up on the Shanghai Tower.

Nanjing Food Hawker with traditional PiPa/Erhu music and Chinese opera.

Nanjing road shopping street.

We went to bathhouse for naturalist experience, implanting the idea of openness.

Of course we powered down at playground and Korean sleeping yurts.

We took MagLev train and High Speed Rail. In the city, we biked for most of our journeys.

In Hangzhou, we stayed near the Botanical Garden. It was so natural.

Off we had a morning hike to LongJing tea plantation hill.

It was good to escape to well maintained villages.

Off we sailed to 三谭印月. Those are the famous pagodas.

After 30 minutes Royceton demand to leave. Too boring to explore nature for kids.

That's all we ventured for a week in SH & HZ.

读万卷书及行万里路。Learning life and the world bits by bits.

 2015 - 上海 - 又再又再游上海


上海古流传一句话:宁要浦西一张床,不要浦东一间房。但这话以不合时了。 十年前浦东还是一片旷地,现已经变成了国际金融中心。中国这十年的发展真的令世界打开眼界。



上海浦西的著名老街区 - 豫园






田子坊 - 酒吧小食区

田子坊 - 也是时尚品味消费区


思南公馆区 - 我后面的是中华人民共和国第一个总理周恩来的家




  2015 - 十年后我再次重游上海与杭州。这次为工作而来而其后留下三天一个人去感受这地区。 



















2003 - 眼看西湖 蘇州 杭州 如此多嬌,北京城內盡是最現代化的建築,上海燈火繁榮,心裏帶著無限的喜悅。中國人在中國,看到的都是美麗與光榮。下一次我到中國的時候,我知道中國會更加繁榮,更加文明,更加美好。


 雷鋒夕照 和 西湖- 中國有五十多個的西湖,這個當然是最出名的杭洲西湖啦!
<- 上海的東方明珠 (The Oriental Pearl of Shanghai)

城隍閣 - 遠望雷鋒夕照,西湖 和 三潭印月。

江南水鄉 烏鎮 - 那里的風境滿漂亮,有東方Venice之稱,到處都可拍到極美的照片。


上海的 城隍廟 - 這里的南翔小籠飽,連英女皇和克林頓也來品嘗一番。

上海的 新天地酒吧街 (Xintiandi of Shanghai) - 晚上擠擁了很多很多的美男美女呢。

無錫的 錫惠公園 - 康熙爺爺和乾隆皇也曾在這裏遊覽,園內的境物如畫,令人身在園內,目在園外。


南京的 明孝陵.

杭州的 城隍閣.

蘇州的 獅子林 - 中國四大名園之一。這裏有個石山洞,進了去,明明看得到出口,卻往往出不來。連乾隆皇帝也贈了這個獅子林“真有趣”,我何來不會覺得它有趣呢!

中山陵 (Dr. Suen Yat-sin Memorial) - 天地正氣,民族,民生,民權 。


